This is a lower intermediate level activity.
I was cycling to work on Monday when a car nearly – knocked pressed pulled kicked me over. I nearly fell off my bicycle. I followed the car. It could not go – suddenly carefully quickly slowly because there were many other cars. Then I was behind it. I banged on the roof. Suddenly, I saw the – letters word write title Police on the side of the car. The passenger, a policeman, got out. ‘What are you doing?’ he said. ‘The driver – nearly slowly carefully quietly knocked me over!’ I said. ‘You’re police officers. You – might should shall would drive more carefully!’ The policeman took out his notebook. He – want wants wanted wanting to take my name and address. He wanted me to go to the police station. Then the driver said, ‘Sorry. I didn’t see you. It was my – mistake mistakes mistaken mistaking ‘ I thanked him and said, ‘May I – cycling went go ride now?